DisOrder of Australia

Disrupt. Dissent. Disobey.

On the day Australia celebrates order, we’ll reward disorder. From noisy protest to quiet persistence, we’re here to award those who disrupt, persist and insist on change to make this country a better place.

In January, the Order of Australia is awarded. But what makes this country move forward isn’t those who follow the rules and order. It’s the people who stand up, shake things up, and make some noise. Because that’s what makes a difference. That’s why we believe in creating a new award.

“We’re tired of celebrating ‘order’. This year, we’re paying tribute to the Australians who weren’t afraid to disrupt and disobey”

Freja Leonard
Friends of the Earth
Climate & Energy Activist


Chris Hince – Art Director, Website Design & Production, Social Media, Merchandise, Medal Design.
Andy Segal – Copywriter, Public Relations, Social Media.